Selected Recent Publications

Kurimchak, A.M., Shelton, C., Duncan, K.E., Johnson, K., Brown, J., O'Brien, S., Gabbasov, R., Fink, L.S., Li, Y.S., Childers, W.E., Connolly, D.C., Chernoff, J., Peterson, J.R., Duncan, J.S. Adaptation of the kinome promotes resistance to BET bromodomain inhibitors in ovarian cancer. Cell Rep (in press).

Duong-Ly, K.C., Devarajan, K., Liang, S., Horiuchi, K.Y., Wang, Y., Ma, H., Peterson, J.R. (2016) Kinase inhibitor profiling reveals unexpected opportunities to inhibit disease-associated mutant kinases. Cell Rep 14(4):772-781. See the supporting Kinase Inhibitor Resource web tool

Xu Q., Malecka, K.L., Fink, L., Jordan, E.J., Duffy, E., Kolander, S., Peterson, J.R., Dunbrack, R.L. (2015) Identifying three-dimensional structures of autophosphorylation complex in crystals of protein kinases. Sci Signaling 8(405)rs13.

Vijayan R.S., He P., Modi V., Duong-Ly K.C., Ma H., Peterson J.R., Dunbrack R.L. Jr., Levy R.M. (2015) Conformational analysis of the DFG-out kinase motif and biochemical profiling of structurally validated type II inhibitors. J Med Chem 58(1):466-479.

Fink, L.S., Beatty, A., Devarajan, K., Peri, S., Peterson, J.R. (2015) Pharmacological profiling of kinase dependency in cell lines across triple-negative breast cancer subtypes. Mol Cancer Ther 14:298-306.

Strochlic, T.I., Stavrides, K.P., Thomas, S.V., Nicolas, E., O'Reilly, A.M., Peterson, J.R. (2014) Ack kinase regulates CTP synthase filaments during Drosophila oogenesis. EMBO Rep 15(11):1184-1191.

Duong-Ly, K.C., Peterson, J.R. (2014) A high-throughput radiometric kinase assay. Methods Mol Biol 1360:87-95.

Chen, C., Ha, B.H., Thevenin, A.F., Lou, H.J., Zhang, R., Yip, K.Y., Peterson, J.R., Gerstein, M., Kim, P.M., Filippakopoulos, P., Knapp, S., Boggon, T.J., Turk, B.E. (2013) Identification of a major determinant for serine-threonine kinase phosphoacceptor specificity. Mol Cell 53 (1): 140-147.

Anastassiadis, T.*, Duong-Ly, K.C.*, Deacon, S.W., Lafontant, A., Ma, H., Devarajan, K., Dunbrack, R.L. Jr., Wu, J., Peterson, J.R. (2013) A highly selective dual insulin receptor (IR)/insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) inhibitor derived from an extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) inhibitor. J Biol Chem 288(39): 28068-28077. *equal contribution

Duong-Ly, K.C. and Peterson, J.R. (2013) The Kinome and Kinase Inhibition. Curr Protoc Pharmacol Chapter 2 (Unit 2.9).

Viaud, J. and Peterson, J.R. (2012) Identification of allosteric inhibitors of p21-activated kinase. Methods Mol Bio 928: 67-79.

Strochlic, T.I., Concilio, S., Viaud, J., Eberwine, R., Wong, L.E., Minden, A., Turk, B.E., Plomann, M., and Peterson, J.R. (2012) Identification of neuronal substrates implicates Pak5 in synaptic vesicle trafficking. Proc Nat Acad Sci 109 (11): 4116-21.

Anastassiadis. T.,Deacon, S.W., Devarajan, K., Ma, H., and Peterson, J.R. (2011) Comprehensive assay of kinase catalytic activity reveals features of kinase inhibitor selectivity. Nature Biotechnology29(11): 1039-1045. See the supporting Kinase Inhibitor Resource web tool

Strochlic, T.I., Viaud, J., Rennefahrt, U.E.E., Anastassiadis. T., and Peterson, J.R., (2010) Phosphoinositides are essential co-activators for p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1). Molecular Cell 40(3):493-500.