In-gel Kinase Assay Protocol

Based on Wooten et al,. Sci. STKE, 8 October 2002_Vol. 2002, Issue 153, p.PL15

Paktide Gel: (10%)

Monomer solution                                       833uL

4X Resolving Gel Buffer                              624uL

* ddH2O                                                    798uL

10% SDS                                                      25uL

10% APS                                                    12.5uL

TEMED                                                         4uL

* add 25uL Paktide (10mg/mL) after ddH2O addition


  • Run the gel at 30mA for ~1hour until sufficient separation of molecular weight markers.
  • Remove resolving gel and place in 50mL cold SDS-Removal Solution I, agitating gently on an orbital platform shaker. Wash for 1 hour, replacing the solution at least four times, once every 15 minutes.
  • Then wash gel for 1 hour with SDS-Removal Solution II with agitation; change the solution twice, once every 30 minutes.
  • Denature the proteins by incubating the gel in 50mL cold Denaturation Buffer for 30 minutes with very gentle agitation.
  • Replace with 50mL of cold Denaturation Buffer and agitate gently for 1 hour
  • Renature the proteins by incubating gel in 50mL cold Renaturation Buffer for 40 minutes with agitation, replacing the Renaturation Buffer at 10-minutes intervals to ensure complete removal of the guanidine hydrochloride
  • Place the box containing the gel and 50mL of cold fresh Renaturation Buffer in the cold at 4°C for 3 hours (note: the gel is NOT agitated during this step).
  • Replace the solution with 50mL of fresh Renaturation Buffer and incubate the gel for 15 hours (overnight) at 4°C (note: the gel is NOT agitated during this step).
  • The next day, wash the gel twice for 30 minutes in 50mL Kinase Assay Buffer at Room Temperature with gentle agitation on the orbital shaker
  • Transfer the gel to a seal-a-meal bag and add 7 ml Kinase Assay Buffer containing 100µCi [32P]-g-ATP (20µM cold ATP)
  • Seal and shake 4 hr at 30 °C then wash gel with Stop Solution
  • Dry gel and analyze by autoradiography


1) SDS-Removal Solution I

Final Concentration          Stock                    Amount

50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0           1M                      12.5mL

20%(v/v) 2-propanol             Pure                     50mL

Add ddH2O to a final volume of 250mL. This volume is adequate for one minigel.

2) SDS-Removal Solution II

Final Concentration           Stock                    Amount

50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0           1M                       12.5mL

1mM DTT                            Powder                    0.039g

Add ddH2O to a final volume of 250mL. This volume is adequate for one minigel.

3) Denaturation Buffer

Final Concentration           Stock                    Amount

50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0           1M                       12.5mL

20mM DTT                          Powder                    0.771g

6M Guanidine hydrochloride Crystal                    143.3g

Add ddH2O to a final volume of 250mL. This volume is adequate for one minigel.

4) Renaturation Buffer

Final Concentration           Stock                    Amount

50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0           1M                        12.5mL

5mM DTT                            Powder                     0.195g

0.04% Tween-20                     Pure                      0.1mL

100mM NaCl                          5M                           5mL

5mM MgCl2                         100mM                     12.5mL

Add ddH2O to a final volume of 250mL. This volume is adequate for one minigel.

5) Kinase Assay Buffer

Final Concentration           Stock                    Amount

20mM HEPES pH 7.7               1M                          5mL

10mM MgCl2                          1M                          2.5mL

2mM DTT                              1M                          0.5mL

0.1mM EGTA                          1M                          25uL

Add ddH2O to a final volume of 250mL. This volume is adequate for one minigel.

6) Stop Solution

Final concentration             Stock                   Amount

5% TCA                                                                         100%                                                 50ml

1% Sodium pyrophosphate                                     Powder                                                  10g

Add water to 1L